
Me-tereWebsite (1)

welcome friends to poetic prophecy!

this blog is about all these things: seeing clearly, poetry, prophecy, and religion.

it is for persons who like to have fun and grow while engaging theology, that is the thinking and talking about God in applicable ways. it is about sharing creatively our understandings and misunderstandings about God and the Divine for the 21st Century.   it is also about communicating God’s love and gift of life with all who would listen.

the writings you will find here are suitable for spiritual seekers, thinkers, and others who are trying to live out their purpose in the world in meaningful ways.  we will wrestle with the tough questions.  we will strive to become better versions of ourselves.  together we will embark on the journey of finding our true essence, and remaining unapoligetically faithful to who really God created us to be.

the community of prophetic poets put out into the world the vision of the kin-dom of God.  A world of justice, love, and peace.  this community is resilient in continuing the work, even in the midst of uncertainty and adversity.

in this community we honor all forms of life.  

we denounce racism, sexism, ableism, ageism, and every other -ism in the world.

we denounce, and keep ourselves accountable against all types of phobias (i.e. homophobia, islamophobia).

in other words, we hope everyone finds this a safe place for sharing ideas that are life-giving.

about me

you can find me on social media @poetseer

i am a poet, preacher, teacher.  i journey the world seeking to live according to the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth.  i’m a mother of four darlings, and i am married to my best friend, kenny.  currently i serve as a local pastor with the united methodist church. my works of poetry and spoken world deal with topics related to women and girls equality, care of the environment, food justice, culture, immigration, ecclesiology, experiences of the diaspora, specifically the puerto rican diaspora, and their relationship with Scripture.

i am available

i am an experienced facilitator and leadership development trainer.  i am deeply interested in developing christian leaders for the 21st century.  i can work with teenagers through older adults. we can work together to design your next youth, leadership, or women’s retreat.

i am also a passionate preacher. should you ever be in need of a poetic prophet who preaches; send me an email @ tmatospost@gmail.com.